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Plumbing Articles from New Orleans, LA
How Can You Tell If You Need Natural Gas Line Repair?

If you’re trying to get the best from your home HVAC service, one of the best things you can do is get a natural gas line repair.
This will keep your home safe and sound and will make sure that your system doesn’t sustain any further damage. These are emergency situations in many cases, so it’s important that you recognize the signs that your gas line needs some work.
Consider these tips so that you are always on top of it.
1. You Smell Gas
This is probably the most common and alarming sign that you are in need of a gas line repair.
Depending on the type of natural gas that your municipality uses, it will typically have a pretty strong odor. In most cases, you will smell a strong rotten egg smell.
Whenever you start to smell this sort of hydrogen sulfide smell, you should bring in the help of a contract as quickly as possible to investigate it.
2. Your Carbon Monoxide Alarms are Going Off
It’s also important that you keep an eye on your building’s carbon monoxide levels. This is a dangerous gas not only because it makes you ill and is potentially deadly, but it is also odorless, invisible and tasteless.
As such, you’ll need to have a carbon monoxide alarm in your home so that you can detect this harmful gas during a leak.
You can get a new carbon monoxide alarm for about $50 or so. Always inspect your carbon monoxide alarm so that it works for you, and can alert you whenever you are dealing with a leak.
3. The Gas Bill is Getting More Expensive
Keep an eye on your gas bill each month. When you start to notice significant spikes, there’s a good chance that it’s because you’re dealing with a leak.
You should also always be finding new and different ways to save money on your gas bill during the wintertime.
For example, you’ll save a lot of wear and waste on your system by bundling up indoors, turning the thermostat down, installing a better programmable thermostat, or getting preventative maintenance from an HVAC contractor.
4. Plants in Your Yard are Dying
Your landscape also leaves clues about a potential gas leak. If you notice that your grass or other plants are dying and turning brown, it could be due to natural gas.
When the gas leak enters your home, you may even notice that your house plants are dying. If you have new houseplants that are dying, or if you notice bubbles in the water in your home, it is a sign that that the gas leak has spread.
Reach out to a natural gas contractor to have them take a look since natural gas is also very flammable.
5. You Hear Gas Spewing
Keep in mind, also, that you might hear a natural gas leak. When leaks occur, you might hear a whistling noise, similar to the steam coming out of a kettle.
The whistling or hissing noise will be louder the closer you get to the actual natural gas line.
6. You Haven’t Gotten a Gas Line Repair in a While
The main way to avoid these sorts of issues is to get routine maintenance and repairs for your infrastructure.
When it’s been a while since you’ve gotten any sort of natural gas line repair or maintenance, this could definitely be a sign that you’ll need to call up a professional. A preventative maintenance house call can let you catch a potential line break or pipe burst before it happens.
As such, you’ll get better performance from all of your natural gas equipment, and will be better able to protect the people in your house.
Getting a natural gas line repair can cost you between about $150 and $600 while replacing an entire gas line might cost you in the range of about $3,000 and $7,000.
7. Your Gas-Powered Appliances are Acting Up
It’s crucial that you keep up with your gas-powered appliances, since this may also be a telltale sign that you are having issues with your gas line.
For instance, you might need hot water heater maintenance if you notice that you’re getting irregular temperatures, or if your water isn’t getting warm at all.
When you notice that your water is turning different colors, this could also be a sign that your water is corroding and that you have a gas line issue that needs your attention.
Getting a professional to inspect your natural gas line will help you curb these sorts of issues.
8. There’s Been a Natural Gas Issue in Your Region
Finally, some issues are just out of your hands. When there’s construction work in the area, it’s very common for equipment to strike a line and create a gas leak.
There may also be some sort of contamination in your region. When these things happen, you’ll need to call your local municipality to get information and instructions on the incident.
They’ll send someone out to your neighborhood in order to get to the root of the issue and make sure that you and the people you live with are safe.
Get the Natural Gas Line Repair Work That You Need
These are the keys you need to keep in mind so that you’re able to maintain and repair your natural gas line. Getting an inspection will keep up with your gas utilities and protect everyone in your house.
When you need natural gas line repair work from a professional, we’d be glad to help you. Contact us online, or give us a call at 504-322-3950.
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